Busy Weeks & Work outs

This week was extremely busy for me, on top of work – i had a 2 day training that took me from my regular work and my kids had their own activities too. (Basketball practice for the 4yo., my new coaching business’s first group coaching call, a networking event for HWNT and a unscheduled Volleyball…

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Not Feeling Ready – Half in 3 weeks

I am signed up for the SA Rock n Roll Half Marathon, this will be my 7th (I think) I should really count them, lol. I signed up for it, as a way to motivate me to work out after having the baby.  I am feeling so unprepared. Yesterday I ran for about an hour…

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November 3mo Postpartum Update

3- mos postpartum! Where did the time go?!  Now it’s more like 3 months and 10 days.  My little guy is sooooo big now, he is fitting into 6 month clothing at 3 months. I have been running but it has not been going as well as I would like.  I have a half marathon…

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Postpartum Fitness Journey

Hi everyone, it has been 27 days since Baby Gavin made his appearance.  Labor was definitely shorter and recovery has gone well as well.  Last week I went for a slow – baseline jog and another run.  This week I want to do 2 runs as well but just being slow about it. Baby Gavin…

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Health & Fitness: One Size does not fit all

We go to professionals for advice on health, nutrition and fitness. Each “expert” in the field, doctors, fitness instructors etc… but there is no one size fits all in health & nutrition. And the real problem here, is that no one can really tell you what will work, it’s really all trial & error. Doctors…

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May 2018

It has been a while since my last post. I have been so busy with work and avoiding my dissertation research. I have completed 4 interviews and have transcribed 2.  I have one more scheduled and my goal is one more in June and be ready to WRITE WRITE WRITE ugh. This is where people…

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Avatar Nutrition Update

Hi everyone!!! This post is for those that know I have been using Avatar Nutrition for my “macros.” It is like a virtual nutritional coach and is $9.99 a month. The best 9.99 a month I have ever spent! This company created a algorithm that calculates your best macros, over time it learns you and…

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45 days Post Show

It is now 45 days past my show and I have been a busy bee. I’ve had an obstacle run, and now this Sunday I have my half marathon, this will be my 6th half Marathon! I’ve completed one each year since 2013!!! I am hoping to PR on this race, to beat my last…

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Update: 3 Weeks Post Show

Hey everyone! It is now 3 weeks post show and I have been “Reverse Dieting” with Avatar.  What is “reverse dieting” you ask? Well there is plenty of information on the internet so I will keep it brief.  When one is “dieting” or “cutting” there is a calorie deficit in order to lose weight, then…

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Bikini Prep: 2 Days Out

There is so much to say about a bikini prep, I will have to make a list of the different blog posts that are needed. It is less than 48 hours until I step on the stage of my first bikini competition. I have to say I am so proud of myself and it wasn’t…

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Bikini Prep: 13 Weeks out

This past week was crazy, for work we had an all day training and a half day of team building. That is great except that it threw off my whole schedule and eating.  I worked my best to track my macros but felt short this week (not sure if I just let myself slide too…

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